dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2014


Os dejo aquí la información sobre este ciclo de conferencias. Es muy interesante porque expone diferentes maneras de educar a los niños rompiendo con lo más "tradicional".
Os copio lo que EDUCATION OPTIONS EXPO pone en su web acerca de quienes son y dónde quieren llegar. Está en inglés... sorry.

What is the Education Options EXPO?

The Education Options EXPO is an event where parents of PreK12 students meet with representatives of private schools, home schooling and unschooling groups, and select public charter schools to learn about the educational options available to them.

The Education Revolution has begun and will emphasize learner-centered learning, as opposed to one-size-fits all education.

What is the purpose of the Education Options EXPO?

The purpose of the Education Options EXPO is to empower parents and PreK12 students by introducing them to educational experts, innovative programs, and new educational ideas in a comfortable and friendly environment to ensure that each student reaches the full extent of their unique potential.

Who will be there?

Attendees of the EXPO include:  parents of PreK12 students, active community members and educational visionaries (innovators/entrepreneurs).

Exhibitors of the EXPO include representatives of: Exhibitors include representatives of: private PreK12 schools, homeschooling, unschooling, and educational groups.

Expert speakers include:
Wanda Whitehead - "Inside Montessori Education"
Head of School & Founder, Casa di Mir Montessori, Campbell, CA

Wes Beach - "Proven Nontraditional Educational Paths"Founder, Beach High School, Soquel, CA

Roger Ulmer - "Financing Your Future: Solving the Tuition Problem"
President, Global Preferred Financial, San Jose, CA
Dale J. Stephens - "When College Dorms Become Retirement Communities"
Founder/CEO, Uncollege, San Francisco, CA

Jere & Crissi Allen - "Homeschool Co-op : Exciting News After 10 Years"
Founders, HEART Academy, San Jose, CA

Antonio Buehler - "Emancipated Learning: How to Provide Children with the Freedom to Lead Remarkable Lives"
Founder, Abrome, Austin, TX

Connie Allen - "Nurture Your Child's Inner Brilliance: The Key to Your Child's Happiness and Success"
Family Coach/Consultant, Founder, Joyous Family Coach

Why was the Expo created?

We started this event because the future is changing faster than ever before in history and we want your child to excel in it.  The only way to do that is to empower them through education and prepare them for the incredible changes which are coming our way. 

Parents are demanding new and better methods of learning which tap into, and maximize, the potential of their child. So it's up to each individual and community around the Bay Area to take leadership and get into the game by exploring real options.  This event will empower you to do so.

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